...I'm okay with being REALITY-based.

Monday, June 23, 2003
      ( 11:06 AM )
Cover Up

The name of the Game now seems to be Cover Up for BushCo. Let's just count up the cover-up's we are currently aware of: the doctoring of the EPA report on the global environment, the fact that BushCo is covering up and hiding the true facts about 9/11 from victims' families, or what Americans have been told about the true nature of the shooting of 20 Iraqis in al-Falluja in April, Bush's Texas Executions, anything having to do with post-attack plans for Iraq, and of course the entire reason we were convinced that attacking Iraq was necessary.

Maru, pointing to Bush correcting himself once again about the existence of WMDs on his weekly radio address ("We are determined to discover the true extent of Saddam Hussein's weapons programs, no matter how long it takes,"), says it best:

Idiot. What about the imminent threat to US interests?
The 45-minute launch time? The nukes? The drone aircraft
that could reach the US? Knowing exactly where the WMD
were? The stories that the weapons were smuggled into
Iran and Syria? That they had been stolen by looters?

What's next, that Saddam's dog buried them in the backyard??

Well said. This Mama is not holding her breath for the answers.

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