...I'm okay with being REALITY-based.

Wednesday, May 21, 2003
      ( 9:03 AM )

I want to start my day off by saying how much I enjoyed last night's Buffy finale. I was worried that the end to the entire series could not be accomplished in one hour, but it was masterful. The writing was at it's best, each character got their moment in the sun, and the original scooby gang was together in the end, with their old bantering in top form. I was not happy that Spike died, I didn't expect that, and he was one of the best characters. But other than that, it was a perfect ending and moving on to new things. The best part was the empowerment of all the slayers around the world, a rising up of powerful women, not only able to fight evil on their own - but the creation of a community of women. Buffy is no longer alone, no longer set apart and unable to lead a life of her own choosing... the chosen is now only one of many. I like the stuff of myth, legend and make believe. It leaves you with the idea that things could be better somehow. If only women in this world truly were empowered to fight the evil in their lives, could kick the ass of anyone who threatens their loved ones, and never had to feel alone in the world because they knew there were so many more just like them. That would be cool. I'm glad it was such a great ending. Stories should have endings like that... there are too many bad endings in real life. Now, where's my slayer scythe - got some ass-kickin' to do...

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