...I'm okay with being REALITY-based.

Friday, May 23, 2003
      ( 4:00 PM )

I don't have to go to work on Monday. That's reason enough to celebrate. Three whole days at home with The Kid and P. Working in the yard. Working on the house. Swinging on swings. Pointing at birds and shouting "birdie!" 600 times. Eating chilled black olives. Wearing sandals. Having dinner on the porch.

Sometimes life is really hard - the working to make ends meet, the wondering how to raise a child in a society like this, the worrying about our future with the government we have... but sometimes, and especially on three-day weekends, life can be very, very good.

Happy holiday and on this Memorial Day Weekend... a shout out to my brother, who is spending it in the service of the US Air Force in the middle of the Saudi Arabian desert.

See you on the other side of a good, long weekend. Stop looking at your computer screen, put your face to the sun and enjoy! Why? Mama says so!

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