...I'm okay with being REALITY-based.

Tuesday, June 24, 2003
      ( 12:26 PM )
Have You Voted in the Primary Yet?

You still have time if you registered - Go to the MoveOn.Org Primary and VOTE! Looks like our online primary has made big media...CNN is carrying the story (and predicting a Dean win).

As is mentioned in the CNN report, this primary may not have broad consequences, except for the fundraising of whichever candidate wins. The "real polls" still show Bush leading by around 12 points over an "unamed Democrat." I really don't think things will matter in the end until late next summer. Once the Democratic candidate is picked (most likely Kerry, Edwards or Dean - I don't think Gephardt will maintain after Iowa), the Dems are going to rally and I think the point spread will definitely see some changes at that time. Until then, let's work hard to pick the best representative with a view to how he will fix and lead our country.

I find it hard to believe that taking into consideraiton the 2000 election and the state the country has fallen to since then, that Bush will win. But then again, I am no longer taking anything for granted as to what this administration will do for power - so we have to pay attention, get in gear and not be lazy. This next year will pass very quickly and we need to organize and get out the vote. It's more important than ever - and I really mean it this time.

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