...I'm okay with being REALITY-based.

Sunday, June 15, 2003
      ( 8:41 AM )
Whatever Works

The big Western States Republican Leadership Conference (developing campaign strategy for the northwest elections) was held here in Portland this weekend. Well, not BIG, but you know, big enough. The Republicans are high on the idea that Al Gore barely beat George Bush in 2000 here in Oregon and they think they can turn the tables and get this state to go republican in 2004. I'm not sure what planet they are living on, but it's not one in our solar system. The only reason it was so close in 2000 was that an overwhelming number of Oregonians showed their displeasure with the DLC puppet leadership of Al Gore and voted for Ralph Nader. I don't think it will be close this time, and it for sure as hell isn't going to be a republican vote.

But just in case you're worried... A group known as the Cascadia Magical Activists showed up at the republican meeting on Friday to "unbind Lady Liberty." They cast an unbinding spell to "remove the thrall that ensorcels much of the Congressional, Executive and Judicial branches of the United States government." Regarding the 99-1 vote for the Patriot Act, the group declares

It is not possible to explain this vote or almost any of the
other assaults on our freedoms in any rational way. It is as
though our political leaders have been bewitched - ensorceled
into believing that we must give up our essential liberties in the
name of the "War on Terrorism." Therefore, we must intervene
and release this Thrall.

They dressed in full ritual garb and gathered to try to free our government from the hex that has clouded their thinking as of late. Let's hope it worked.

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