...I'm okay with being REALITY-based.

Friday, June 13, 2003
      ( 8:48 AM )
Blogging Milestone

Wow, I passed 3,000 visits yesterday. I realize this is nothing compared to the "high end blogs" that get like 20,000 a day - but still, 3,000 is a nice large number and I like it. At this average of 1,000 visitors a month, I should catch up to where Atrios is now in, oh, 170 years. Thanks to all my regular readers and any new ones that happen to drop in - so far I've really enjoyed my blogging experience. I really like not only making contact with other bloggers and reading a huge variety of writing styles and subjects, but I also enjoy having my own little personal forum in which to write about whatever I please.

And yesterday I learned how to make my links look different so they're not all underlined, so I feel even a tiny bit more professional now too. So all in all, it's been a good first three months and hopefully we'll keep going strong.

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