...I'm okay with being REALITY-based.

Tuesday, June 10, 2003
      ( 9:04 AM )
Turning the Tables on Campaign Financing?

Daily Kos launched a new effort yesterday, connecting his site with the new DNC E-Patriot movement. The DNC has finally taken a page from the Dean Campaign and realized the power of the internet in grassroots organizing and fundraising. Through Daily Kos, you can contribute to the DNC's coffers for the support of whichever Democratic Candidate comes out on top after the primaries. This serves two purposes, it allows you to contribute through a blog that makes a difference, and it shows the DNC the numbers of bloggers and internet users who are active in the grassroots. We all know money makes a statement better than anything, so pooling resources through Daily Kos will have the effect of showing the DNC that united we are a pretty powerful bunch when it comes right down to it.

The Repubs are already flaunting a purse of over $200 million for the campaign -- they are ready to beat down whatever Dem candidate comes out of the primaries while he's still bloodied and limping. So our job, once the primaries are over (please God don't let it be Lieberman), is to join forces and show not only the RNC but also the DLC that it's the people power that really does make a difference, and it's our agenda that matters, not the corporate agenda.

Finally, for those of us who don't have a spare dime to our names right now, there are many other ways to get involved. Seek out your local campaign headquarters for whatever candidate you support. If you have a blog, use it. Even if you're not political. This election affects our daily lives in more ways than I can count, and it's more about how we live and how we want our society to exist than about politics at this point. Most important, when the day comes, whether it's a primary in your state or the general election, your job is to VOTE.

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