...I'm okay with being REALITY-based.

Wednesday, June 04, 2003
      ( 3:28 PM )
Why Does Gordon Livingston Hate America?

Thanks to Notes on the Atrocities for pointing to this fabulous article by Livingston pointing out the not-so-revealed-truth that our President is Top of the Pops in a Time of Lies. Way to go, Pres!

After a laundry list of examples where this administration has purposefully misled us, Livingston concludes:

It's too facile to say that all politicians lie and that
leaders commonly deceive in pursuit of their goals. We
are entitled to expect more from someone who campaigned
on a pledge to "restore integrity to the White House."

A complex society, no less than a family, functions on
the basis of trust. If we cannot depend on each other to
obey the law, we risk chaos and there is no number of police
that will save us. If, as the result of being lied to, we lose
trust in those who govern, how can they ask us to put our
sons and daughters in peril?

And yet, he still enjoys high job ratings.... I'm flabbergasted by this still.

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