...I'm okay with being REALITY-based.

Monday, July 07, 2003
      ( 12:20 PM )
Blog Milestone!

Wow - I hit 4,000 visitors today! It took less than a month to go up one thousand. How cool. Added to that, I just discovered I've evolved! The ecosystem now proclaims me a "Slithering Reptile," up from being a Crawly Amphibian. I'm really enjoying the whole blogging experience - the network of people who write so exceptionally well and who share tidbits of life and glean wisdom out of the daily news... it's great fun, and I'm really looking forward to the coming year of change in this country. Blogging will step to the forefront as a medium to express opinion and to get word out to people. Equalizing the discussion. That's how it should be.

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