...I'm okay with being REALITY-based.

Tuesday, July 01, 2003
      ( 9:16 AM )
Today 'Round the Blogosphere

Body and Soul has the perfect eulogy for Katharine Hepburn - it couldn't be said better.

Wampum explains the economic news of the day... in language we can understand and appreciate, as usual!

Conflict Girl has 30 great questions to ask and answer. Makes for a cool read - I might steal them and post my own answers later.

Being Daddy writes a memo to the herd. But have they heard his plea?

Rebel Dad breaks the news that stay at home Dads are a sexy bunch! (who didn't know that? the mama asks)

Fulltime Father reminds us that Bill Nye the Science Guy had his own tv show for a reason...

If you haven't been keeping up with Wil's Road Trip, check in - he's been having close encounters with the creepy voice in his On*Star monitor.

Susan over at Suburban Guerilla catches the SCLM in another of its hypocrisies.

The Shape of Contempt has the link to the 37 People Who Run Iraq (in case you were wondering, they don't include anyone with a known track record of successful diplomacy - shocker, I know).

If you haven't checked in on Barney's MWOWWWW, he's got his eye on Anne - who insists that the NY Times severely wronged us all by not mentioning in every article about the DC Area sniper that he was a Muslim. Someone, give that girl a sandwich.

He's not dead yet.

You heard it first at CalPundit - The Canadians are taking over!

The Agonist is keeping us up on how we're screwing up the rest of the world outside of Iraq...

And last, but not least for today...

Daily Kos has a great analysis of the fundraising situation... and I'm still high off yesterday's intoxicating climb of the numbers at Howard Dean's blog as WE THE PEOPLE supported his campaign. Kos is right... this is the model of campaign fundraising that will lead to victory.

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