...I'm okay with being REALITY-based.

Thursday, May 20, 2004
      ( 12:46 PM )
Changes in Lattitudes

You may have felt a jolt, somewhat of a minor shock when you finally were able to pull up my page today. Yep, we've made some changes around the old Bohemian Homestead. Not really because I wanted to. Nope. For some reason, the new Blogger managed to completely stifle my freedom of expression by not allowing me to upload my normal content and making it impossible for readers to open the blog at all. (what can I say, it's free) Thus, I decided I could be more stubborn than Blogger and I just totally redid the whole thing. I kind of like the new look, though I'm still getting used to it. It looks cleaner and more streamlined. Hopefully it's still not too hard to use or navigate.

One of the cool things about the new blogger templates is the whole automatic posting of recent posts. That's pretty cool.

Anyway, we're back and hopefully as I work out any leftover kinks, this Mama will still be able to provide the riveting post reading you've come to love and desperately need on a daily basis. Well, I'm tired of staring at html code, so ciao for now - off to have some lunch!

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