...I'm okay with being REALITY-based.

Friday, November 11, 2005
      ( 9:59 AM )
Thank You

Today is a day that I publicly want to thank all those who are currently serving and who have served this country in military service. I grew up in the military and it is not altogether an easy choice for people, but they do it anyway, and with determination, pride and dignity. I thank my husband for his years of service, I thank my dad for his 30 years and his ongoing service to this country as a veteran and teacher, and I especially thank my brother, who is currently in theater in the Iraq War.

The men and women who have sacrificed their lives, families, futures and so much other stuff to serve and to do what they are told in order to provide the protection they believe we deserve, I send my heartfelt thanks and honor. I only hope the civilian government that makes decisions for the military and veterans will stop and consider all they've done to damage these fine people.

Republicans Voted Against Veterans' Health Care FIVE TIMES This Year, Despite Warnings of Budget Shortfall. Before the Department of Veterans Affairs announced a $1 billion budget shortfall earlier this year, Senate Republicans voted twice against $1.98 billion for veterans' health care, while also opposing a proposal to increase veterans' health care funding by $2.8 billion. And last month, Republicans said "no" to keeping veterans' health care funding in line with inflation and population growth. These votes all came despite at least five warnings from Sen. Patty Murray that the proposed federal funding for veterans' programs would not be enough to cover costs.

It's time that this government is held accountable for the way it set out from the beginning NOT to honor military members and veterans, but rather to steal from the very livelihood they most deserve.

We must all stand up for those who stand up for us.

To all Veterans, past, present and future: thank you for what you do and what you have done.

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