...I'm okay with being REALITY-based.

Monday, March 17, 2003
      ( 11:40 AM )
Thanks to MWOWWWW and Vague for giving me some tips on commenting. I'm definitely a novice, but will hopefully in the next few days be able to figure out how to add comments to Bohemian Mama.

Also in the email box, my first hate mail! I wisely did not write back, but in answer to the (hopefully) well-meaning fellow (who gave this link) who cannot differentiate between my disagreements (though they are legion) with this administration and my love of my country and the people who serve it in so many various ways, I am sorry for your loss and I pray every day that we are not sacrificing more of our best men and women to the altar of ego and imperialism. What our country is about to engage in will not make up for 9/11, nor will the deaths of innocent Afghanis or Iraqis sanctify the loss of our own innocents. My own Brother is there. Will his possible death and that of 100s or possibly 1000s Americans, and the more likely deaths of 1000s of Iraqis make us feel better or avenge what happened? At this moment, I cannot think so. That's all I have to say on that. Today.

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