...I'm okay with being REALITY-based.

Tuesday, July 01, 2003
      ( 12:44 PM )
30 Things

I got tired of politics and current events... so for a little break, here are 30 not that interesting things about me...Stolen from Conflict Girl, who stole it from Dawn, who stole it from Roni:

1. If you had to choose an alias, what would it be?
Obviously: Buffy.

2. Where were you on 9/11?
At home getting ready for work, watching it live on television (it happened in the 6 o'clock hour in my time zone). I had that twilight zone sense of not knowing if I was watching reality or not at first. I spent the next half hour frantically tracking down my parents who were supposed to have been on a plane from DC that morning.

3. What is your ideal vacation?
Never going back to work.

4. How many first cousins do you have?
13 - one is deceased, 2 are by marriage, 4 are estranged because their mother is crazy, all (except the 4) are at least 14 years younger than me and so I don't really have "friendships" with any of them.

5. How do you take your pizza?
Pepperoni, mushrooms and black olives, and please leave the thick crust -- i like thin or at the most, regular crust.

6. If you could be fluent in any foreign language (that you are not already) what would it be?
Spanish. I'm trying to learn - I hope to take classes soon. I learned French in school but obviously not to the extent I could actually use it in conversation.

7. What is your favorite website?
Well, this one ranks pretty high for me.... but aside from all the blogs I love (can't choose a favorite among them), I like to check out the Residents of Garvaghy Road this time of year to see how they're fairing against the annual onslaught of sectarian hatred and militarized isolation.

8. If you could experience another era of history, which would it be?
Oooo, good question. I waiver between ancient celts where women were leaders and equal members in society, and the late 1800's - I'd go West, know how to shoot a gun, and I wouldn't wear skirts.

9. What is your favorite genre of movies?
Independent and foreign. Oh I'm such a snob. I love the good suspense action thriller as well!

10. If you could have any one superpower, what would it be?
Picking the winning lotto numbers.

11. Can you whistle?
yes, but not strongly.

12. If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be?
an eagle flying over Alaska

13. Who is your favorite fictional character?
literary: currently, Nan in The Nanny Diaries - TV: (I have to go with Conflict Girl on this one ) Spike.

14. Star Wars or Star Trek?

In deference to Will, Trek of course.

15. What is your favorite beverage?
Cherry Kool Aid

16. What brand of toothpaste do you use?
Arm&Hammer Baking Soda whitener toothpaste.

17. What is your favorite professional sports team?
The Mama declines to answer this question in light of the fact that professional sports are not a regular visitor into her universe. As for attending live games, she saw the Baltimore Orioles many times, back when Cal was King and she lived in DC.

18. Are you "indoorsy" or "outdoorsy"?
While I love the outdoors (minus sun burn, bug bites, humidity and/or scrapes and scratches), I am most comfy indoors, cuddled up and cozy.

19. What is your earliest childhood memory?
Three years old, hunkering down in the dark basement in our home in Kansas while a tornado flew overhead.

20. If you could play any musical instrument, what would it be?
Guitar..but only if i could play like God* and I could pretend like it's nothing and everyone would be really impressed. (*Eric Clapton)

21. What's your favorite accent?
Scottish...mmmm! I've told P many a time that if he dies, my next husband will have a Scottish lilt to his voice.

22. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A famous author and airline stewardess (obviously!).

23. Are you a dog person or a cat person?
No pets at present, but would love to have a wee Westie puppy for Martin. Definitely NOT a cat person, except when viewing them onstage.

24. If they were making a movie or TV show of your life, who would you choose to play you?
Janeane Garafolo - she needs the work.

25. What is your favorite element (earth, fire, water or air)?

26. If you could compete in any event in the Olympics (summer or winter) what would it be?
No question - women's soccer

27. What is your favorite Sunday comic strip?
Doonsebury and Baby Blues

28. What kind of music do you listen to?
I love all music - though when it comes to the radio, i'm straight NPR. When listening, currently alternating between Nora Jones, Jao Gilberto, Santana and Yellow Submarine (a favorite of the shorter person in the family).

29. What is your favorite breakfast cereal?
No longer a breakfast cereal eater...but if i did... Apple Jacks, no question.

30. What is your worst habit?
eating when I'm not hungry.

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