...I'm okay with being REALITY-based.

Friday, December 19, 2003
      ( 8:57 AM )
Friday is for Fathers

I've really been bad the last month about seeing what the Dad blogs are up to. I thought the last Friday before Christmas would be a good time to get back into the habit. So let's see what our neighborhood Dads are up to this holiday season!

David at Daddy Make a Picture has just moved to moveable type (wooowooo!) and is also trying to figure out how to get three squirmy kids to sit still at the same time for a Christmas picture! Rebel Dad is still faithfully disseminating the Dad News, including a recent article in the Christian Science Monitor that discusses the new movie "Mona Lisa Smiles" in the context of what career-minded women face these days compared to the 1950's setting of the movie. One suggestion of how to lift the burden from women is to have more stay at home dads. Rebel Dad thinks this is a good idea...but how?

Laid Off Dad is extolling the virtues (and downsides) of raising a kid in the city - and the beauty of a woman who, after too many hours of labor, is no longer afraid to express how pissed off she is. Amen! Read the December 11 entry - it's grrr-eight!

Fulltime Father has decided to let the blog rest while he tries to accomplish Christmas shopping with a kid in tow. Don't let those mothers get you down about the christmas shopping - they are probably lying! Most of us moms are in the same boat as you! He also notes an article about fulltime working parents - a sobering reality that most of us have to face.

Kos the new dad, over at Fishyshark, is finding out what it's REALLY like to be the parent of a newborn. It aches. But it's wondrous. But here's to a first christmas with a new face in the house!

And Frenzied Daddy is going to be a Daddy...again! Congratulations!

I especially want to give props to Being Daddy, who is not only a stay at home dad, but is doing Christmas this year without Mom, who is overseas on military duty. Here's to all the dads...and mamas... who are facing the holidays without their partners and having to explain to the kids why. May we all be home together soon.

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