...I'm okay with being REALITY-based.

Thursday, July 31, 2003
      ( 12:35 PM )
Is it Real...or is it Memorex?

Does that title date me?

Both Maru and Whiskey Bar have succinctly pointed today to the timely coincidence of the TSA announcing that it could no longer afford air marshalls and the Homeland Security's announcement of impending terror attacks via airplanes. And, in another strange twist on reality, Bush declared that indeed the threats are real and that he is in charge of the War on Terror and is working hard on it... so stop paying so much attention to those silly old lies he told to lead hundreds of soldiers to their deaths!

It's interesting that we haven't gone up in color on our threat rainbow, and that no one seems to mind that the sole source of the threat comes from an Al-Qaeda captive that planned the 9/11 attacks. I'm sure he has all the good intentions in the world and is telling the absolute truth to his torturers since undoubtedly if he tells the truth which leads to the capture of more of his comrades, he will surely be released or at least not killed once they're finished with him.

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