...I'm okay with being REALITY-based.

Thursday, August 14, 2003
      ( 4:28 PM )

In honor of Friday the 15th, a day in Fair and Balanced history, I am posting this very Fair and Balanced blog post early since I won't be in the blogosphere for the esteemed day - which seems Fairly Unfair, but Balancing that with the fact that it's been ages since I've had a Fairly nice and Balanced getaway with my husband, I had to weigh the Balance of the Fare that will be in the blogosphere, and I came to the conclusion that it would be Fairly Unbalanced of me to choose to stay. It will be wonderful to return to read the Fair and Balanced posts of my blob pals, and I look forward to the Fare, and to Balancing all my favorite blogs on my desktop at once so I can read them as quickly as possible. Meanwhile, on Friday I'm sure you will find Fairly Balanced Fare here, here, here, here, here, here and here. Don't forget - the Fairest of the Unbalanced is here.

Well, that was a Fairly Balanced post, I'd say. Thank god the Fare isn't high for Balanced posting around here. So, in conclusion, Fox News, this is for Al and you can kiss my Fair and very Balanced behind, along with those of all of blogdom.

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