...I'm okay with being REALITY-based.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004
      ( 8:39 AM )
Good thing we didn't change horses midstream...

From Liberal Oasis:

I will never give another country veto power
over our national security.

-- George W. Bush, 10/20/04

-- NY Times, 12/13/04:

Pakistan does not permit American military and intelligence forces in Afghanistan to cross the border to go after militants.

This prohibition on cross-border "hot pursuit" makes it relatively easy for Taliban and Qaeda fighters to initiate attacks on American bases in Afghanistan, and then quickly escape to the safety of Pakistan.

American soldiers have complained about being fired on from inside Pakistan by foreign militants while Pakistani border guards sat and watched.

As a result of the restrictions, American military and intelligence personnel in Afghanistan are no longer really hunting for Mr. bin Laden, an intelligence official said.

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