...I'm okay with being REALITY-based.

Monday, March 17, 2003
      ( 6:22 PM )
Well, There It Is
Listened with dread to the Speech as I rode home on the train today. Came home to the multitude of commentary on the telly. It's still light out here on the left coast, I would like to go for a walk. But The Kid is already in bed, and I admit I'm too tired. Too disgusted. Too sad. There will be enough said in the coming hours about the Speech. The hypocrisy of it all. All that's to be said for now is God help the troops out there and the people that get in their way. Here endeth today's lesson from the US to the world: It's okay to ignore UN resolutions if it's to punish someone who's violated UN resolutions --Bush Ethics 101. P notes (as I finish typing this up) that Bill Bennett (commenting on CNBC) is now head of "Americans for Victory Against Terrorism." "Considering the job he did as drug czar, not holding my breath for this particular victory." Well said. Now, what can I do to ignore the news for the rest of the night?

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