...I'm okay with being REALITY-based.

Thursday, March 13, 2003
      ( 4:07 PM )
Couldn't Get Past the Irony
Just found this tidbit on the BBC: "Couple tell how they were stranded and cornered by crocodiles for 17 days." Wow. While it seems to be a true story, it's almost as if it's an allegory of Tony Blair's current state of affairs. The couple had to be airlifted out because they were stranded, surrounded by crocodiles when a flood suddenly came through. I'm just wondering if Tony will be able to escape having his head bitten off or not. I suppose the next week will tell.

A Shout Out to Chile
Go Chile! You can do it! Don't give in! The pressure must be tremendous, but I'm so impressed that they are hanging on to their principles. It is interesting to think that Bush could be kicking himself in the ass with this whole "getting the vote" push. He has to threaten the little countries with cutting off trade, but that then hurts his party's "free trade everywhere!" policy. I hope Chile can hold out. I have a feeling some of the little countries will be pragmatists in the end if they can bank on a guarantee that Russia and France will veto. Then again, I'm sure Lagos wants to keep his job as much as Blair does.

Do We Actually HAVE a Congress?
P commented to me this morning after reading the paper (P has become very adept at reading the morning paper and drinking a cup of tea calmly and peacefully, even as The Kid slaps at the paper, tries to eat it, drools all over P's arms and head as he's climbing all over him, and tries his best to rip the eyebrows off P. I find myself quite impressed with this talent.) that the Congress reminded him of the Roman Senate in the days of the last caesars. I have to agree. It seems like if they aren't acting like 3rd graders, they are simply rubber stamping each foolish step this Administration takes. I don't really understand it. Why isn't anyone speaking out? Anyone? Anyone? Didn't this happen 40 years ago? The Congress doesn't deserve to get angry this time if the same thing comes out about Iraq that came out about Vietnam when they aren't even trying to learn the truth or stop this horrible slippery slope we've leapt onto.

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