...I'm okay with being REALITY-based.

Friday, March 14, 2003
      ( 8:55 AM )
Wow, I'm Linked!!
Being a newbie blogger, my heart flipped with joy when I discovered that one of my favorite sites, MWOWWWW, has linked to me! Thanks guys! MWOWWWW has an excellent discussion of what we all know is true: W's being fed his "press conference" answers through an earpiece. It might be more sinister than that...anyone ever read Interface by Stephen Bury (aka Neal Stephenson). Kinda spooky. Not that I'm a conspiracist (is that a word?)

Anyway, thanks again for the linkage!! I feel all official and flushed with pride that I have a link somewhere. Now the pressure is on....I have to find someone to actually READ my blog.

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